Nayanjyoti Baruah is 22 years old poet from Assam, India. He is pursuing M. A. in English Literature from Gauhati University. Recently he has won a poetry competition that had been held by “Tayls”. And also one of his poems has been published in Rasa Literary Review Magazine, Kolkata.
Flood Flood Everywhere
Flood flood everywhere,
Is nowhere to stand,
Everyone is in great fear
Of how to save, how to remain.
My land is under flood; so before drowning
We free cattles to rescue lives,
Make small bamboo boats and
On them place our bags of rice.
Waves start blowing the ceiling fan,
We head towards the summit of the house and trees,
No time to sit, no bed to sleep,
All are gradually drowning in the flood.
The voices of our people are gradually decreasing,
We look at a distance that a deer's dead body's coming,
Maybe from a National Park or a Wildlife Sanctuary!
We have left our people's corpses along with that.
In an Independent Country
We still fight twenty-four hours on a day.
Flood strips more people than the virus every year,
Yet none comes to inspect circumstances.
My grandfather told me he was born in the water,
My father told me he was born in the water,
I was told that I was born in the water too,
My child will be born in the water, if I stay alive.
Flood flood everywhere
No one is to hear,
One may elevate the questions before elections,
But ears are always crying for answers after selections.
So tranquily depicts the trauma and pain of outpouring delimma of our State