Mysti S. Milwee is an International award-winning and published
writer, poetess, illustrator, screenwriter, and synesthesia artist (paints
to music), from Southside, Alabama in the USA. She has Native American/Cherokee Indian background and is a Sequoyah/Cherokee translator. She is the editor and publisher of her
journal, Sequoyah Cherokee River Journal.
Her poetry, writings, and visual art has been published in over 1,500
publications (magazines, journals, e-zines, pamphlets, booklets, etc.)
across the globe and in over 8 countries since the age of 13. Her poetry, writings, and art have been used for academic and ministry studies across the US and abroad.
She serves as the International Art Ambassador for the world in the
Visual Arts. She is a writer/illustrator with the SCBWI (Society of Children's
Books Writers and Illustrators), a book cover artist designer, and is the “Poet Laureate” of Fire Eagle Ministries. She is the recipient of the 2020 International Artist of the Year Award, the 2020 Global Arts & Humanities Award, 2020 Global Arts & Literary Culture Award, and was awarded the 2020 Best Screenplay for “The Loner”. Her book cover art has appeared on Scott Thomas Outlar's book “Of Sand and Sugar”. She graduated with high honors, is the recipient of the Outstanding Graduate of the Year Award, and was a scholarship recipient of Art Instruction Schools, Minneapolis, Minnesota. To contact her for creative, fine art, and writing services, email her at mystiart21@gmail.com To visit her web page and view her poetry, writings, and visual art visit her Visions and Voices page www.mystismilwee.wordpress.com
The chatter and the whispers
bouncing off the walls.
Burning cinders catch the walls on fire;
The dark raspy roar echoes behind the walls
gnarling teeth bulge the wall.....
the fear of evil lurking,
the burden of the reckoning tapping on
open window to breathe -
anger speaks volumes, rolling off roaring tongues
slamming windows!
Breaking the glass, reflections gone
heart remains strong;
harkening deep dark bellows of darkness that laughs
through the looking glass,
but through the light it shall not pass.
The salty sea rages, the wind whisks salt upon the corners -
to breathe a breath of blue-green seas, fearing less evil
that had hung like curtains to suffocate the mind.
Openness in window panes painted peaceful thoughts
on the heart,
shadows disappear, reconciled in faith -
breathing a breath where only whispers softly speak peace,
and eyes loom to reflect on the beauty of where
fear met the breath of life.
Rapid eye movement races back and forth –
eyes bulging in fright while...
talking on the phone;
Wait! What?
Hard to swallow,
lump of dread
heart pounds heavily
racing -
eyes spin out of control
disoriented in disarray of mind disfigured -
in panic!
Body shutters in a standstill
Is there any composure in panic?
Pendulum sways....
tick tock the clock
unmasking the drama
reacting or acting?
Deep dark dilemmas
filter the mind with a
thick film of panic;
triggered by the darkness and light
the silhouetted soul turned sinister
when the presence of dark flame
speaks mystery -
panicked by suffocation in silence
blood shed silk scarf tightens around the neck
one more fur for the blind man.
Spent my life running on intuition -
seeing and believing premonitions,
of feeling others' emotions and feelings;
some cards are not easy to face
only displaced emotional ties -
that plunge or surface in the well of emotion.
Joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, anticipation, anger and disgust -
consciously felt in the core of the mind.
My mind twists and spirals downward, upward and onward
all the emotions running on threads that spin, dwindle and dangle.
Visions and voices creep in my dreams, my mind, my thoughts with emotional existence;
companionship, friendship, love, agreement, relaxation, comfort;
wondering, wandering, weeping, whispering;
amusement, hope, inspiration, awe;
fearful, fleeing, hiding, freezing;
disappointment, grief, hopelessness, disinterest.
Emotions attached in my mind,
I feel ethereal in a peripheral engagement of sensitivity
flexing my mind with force to push through
the pressure;
sweating, the pounding of my heart racing, jittery in anticipation, of not knowing what comes next.
My mind at the crossroads, too much too fast,
the weight of words shows its mask of perceiving emotions.
disengaged from the core of fleeting emotions that weigh in my mind -
fatigued now and losing depth of perception.
The core of my emotions runs deep and thick with a silver lining,
the resistance and knowledge of the emotional cultural core,
is how I react emotionally with the world.