Moinak Dutta (1977) is a published poet and fiction writer, and a teacher. Got two literary and romantic fictions to his credit namely ' Online@offline' and ' In search of la radice'. His third fiction is going to be published soon. He loves to travel and to do nature photography. Interested in creating video poetry or poetry films. His debut video poetry / poetry film ' I think I love twilight' already got accepted in Lift Off film festivals across the globe and got enlisted in some others too. He lives in Kolkata, India with his wife, son and a pet dog.
Pupa, larvae and unborn butterflies
Everyone has some unborn butterflies in them,
They are kept in a glass jar within one's heart,
Some people keep only larvae, some people pupa,
Some people keep caterpillars too,
Once in broad day light,
While standing under the sun,
Perceiving its halo,
One can get the feel of unborn butterflies inside
And at that moment another being of self is discovered.
Fireflies and other forms of wavering lights
Basically it was our signaling system,
Purely desi, jugaad thing,
I would suddenly brighten the flame of the oil lamp,
Load-shedding days being common in our growing years,
Specially during group study,
And she would lessen it,
This would continue for two or three circles,
Till we both smiled,
Our teacher, the local boy who had passed graduation and looking for a job,
Would rebuke us for being so careless about studies,
But we really did not mind his rebukes,
For we had fireflies in us,
Hotel Californification
That thing happened, the moment of one my friends brought an acoustic guitar one day,
She tapped gently on the wood, producing a sweet but brief sound,
A smooth tap, quick, rising in tempo,
I looked at the guitar's shiny fretboard,
Its wires,
My friend ran her fingers on the fret,
Made gentle strumming,
She sang about pretty pretty boys,
Dark desert highway,
That thing happened then,
Hotel Californification of me,
And for the first time, in my life,
I got what shimmering light could do with me.