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Danijela Trajković

Writer's picture: A Too Powerful WordA Too Powerful Word

Danijela Trajković (1980) is a Serbian poet, writer, reviewer and translator. Her book “22 Wagons” has been published by The Academy of Arts, Knjazevac, 2018. Her work has been translated into many languages and published in journals, anthologies and newspapers worldwide. She lives and works in Vranje.

Linden Tea

We have your linden tea

In the balcony that roses

Keep from the outside world

The sky is ordinary

The air of big cities

The day loses its strength

We don't understand each other fully

And you say it would be boring

If we did

And that your scorn

For the one that will have me

Is much stronger than the tea.

Three Act Death

Act I

My childhood love

killed in war.

Act II

My two-year-old son

most likely has autism.



stopped loving me.

21 Grams

                 For S. Lj.

My soul tears apart

like the threads of a torn dishcloth that umpteen times went through the washing machine and so my soul umpteen times goes through the purgatory the 21 grams you send to the devil but they keep returning to eat black juicy poisons in your hair.


All of my muses

die sooner or later they get infected with some strange sickness by the poems and I watch them leaving to be reborn in life of some other women who don't infect them with verses in whose eyes there is no universe no gardens in their souls no innocent witches at the stake no unhappy madame Bovary.

Count Dracula

Count Dracula is the lover wanted by every woman whose husband is an idiot Dracula does not suck blood to ladies because he is a count and his manners do not allow him to do such a thing Dracula sucks blood to the boring husbands who with the help of doctors wizards devils try to kill the count the passion sickness of their wives whose bodies twist and jiggle in an abnormal way in bed the sickness unknown to the husbands.



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